Cake Decoration

cake decoration
by Abeer

Cake decoration is an art that is performed almost everywhere all over the world. That is why there is competition of cake decoration art is very popular, especially in the Western World. Cake decorating is one of the sugar arts that sweet colors and things icing, frosting and many other delicious decorative elements to make plain cakes more visually interesting. Moreover, cakes can be molded and sculpted to resemble different shapes, persons, places and things.

There are a few options available for people who really want to acquire the skills of cake decoration art. The best way to start learning how to decorate cake is to start decorating cakes slowly following one by one step, learning a bit about the history and the basic cake decorating techniques before going towards more advanced cake decorating techniques. Decorating a great cake is easy just by following some simple steps:

1. First technique for Cake decorating books are a good source of acquiring quality knowledge in cake decorating. Lots of quality cake decorating books can be found in bookstores and on the Internet too, you can also join online cake decorator community forum where you can share your thoughts with people of similar mind and also you can get new ideas.

2. You can also employ the use of videos as an even simpler way of acquiring or increasing your knowledge of cake decoration art that can you can also call sugar-crafting.

3. If you aspire to become a professional cake decorator then the idea of possibly going for a formal education in cake decoration might be reasonable path to follow.

Chocolate Effects Mood

Chocolate effects mood
by Abeer

Chocolate might seem like a drug for the people who can’t get it enough. In addition to its addictive taste, chocolate’s role in boosting your mood can be irresistible many times. While you might attribute this to your sweet tooth, chocolate owes much of its mood enhancing properties to a number of drugs like chemicals. Containing safe, healthy compounds similar to the potentially dangerous ones in caffeine and amphetamines, chocolate can help to boost your mood without damaging your health.

Day with Chocolate:

I myself am a big fan of chocolate. Chocolate has a long history associated with feelings of well-being of mine specially. Chocolate, combined with a cup of coffee, helps me work all the way through to the end of the day, when I would otherwise be tempted to call it quits in the late afternoon. So naturally I was excited when I found a research report on the effect of chocolate on mood, this made me started writing some about the relation of mood and chocolate.
I think it is quite fascinating that a food such as chocolate can have such an effect on the operations of our brain and thus our perceptions of the world. I have significantly increased my chocolate intake. I also think I’m a happier person than I was before we met. I would like to think not, but it is an interesting thought that chocolate transforms my mood. I do, however, I start feeling a little depressed or overwhelmed and it always seems to make me feel better.

How it works?

The mood elevating properties depends on how good the chocolate you are taking is.  Believe it or not, all chocolate is not created equally. In a study, subjects received different types of chocolate after the experimenters induced a bad mood. The positive effects were due to the immediate sensory pleasure that is the taste on the tongue and emotional associations with chocolate.  It’s unlikely that the chocolate impacted chemicals in your brain. This would generally take up to an hour.  Emotional eaters seemed to get the most impact from the chocolate. While chocolate may give your mood a small boost, its short term effects emphasize why it is important to find other ways to calm and soothe yourself without sweets.
The chemical compounds in chocolate are believed to release feel good. A chunk of chocolate releases endorphin and neurotransmitters that is responsible for creating a feeling of calm, well-being, happiness and even elation. Happily study that it’s good to take chocolate for the change of mood.