Latte Art

latte-artby Abeer

An art that is called Latte art is actually the designing on coffee cup with cream. Latte art is a method of preparing coffee created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso cone that results a pattern or design on the surface of the resulting latte. It can also be created or embellished by simply “drawing” in the top layer of white creamy foam. Latte art is particularly difficult to create consistently, due to the demanding conditions required of both the espresso shot and milk. This, in turn, is limited by the experience of the latte artist and quality of the espresso machine. The pour itself, then, actually becomes the last challenge for the latte artist.

How to create pattern:

  • Pour the milk about an inch away from the bottom of the coffee mug.
  • Once the cup is about half filled, gently shake the pitcher back and forth while slowly moving it backwards for some time. The flower design will move forward, filling the cup will show you.
  • Do this with a shaking motion at the wrist instead of moving your hand back and forth.
  • Starting off with the milk pitcher close to the top of the mug, then give a little bit of milk in the same place.
  • While this make sure to move the milk pitcher, not the mug.
  • Hold the stream of milk in the same place, but wiggle the milk pitcher back and forth as you make a ringed circle.
  • When your milk is almost completely poured, swing the milk up to create the bottom tip of your heart.
  • Embellish the cream foam with chocolate in other ways too as like you want. Pour chocolate syrup on top of foam and then start decorating with a pin. Make an outline the edges of your foam pattern with chocolate.

The Me

When the mind goes beyond the thought of “the me,” the experienced one, the observer, the thinker, then there is a possibility of a happiness that is incorruptible.

by Abeer

Wax Sculptures

Hannah Montana
by Abeer

This is wax sculpture of Hannah Montana  Wax sculpture is a sculpture made of wax and it is an art. Often they look like notable individual, but there are also death masks and scenes with many figures.

The properties of beeswax make it an excellent medium for preparing figures and models, either by modeling or by casting in molds. It can easily be cut and shaped at room temperature, melts at a low temperature, mixes with any coloring matter, takes surface tints well, and its texture and consistency may be modified by the addition of earthy matters and oils or fats. When molten, it is highly responsive to impressions from a mold and makes a required sculpture.

Can you imagine these all are wax sculptures? Yes they are.

David Backman
David Backman

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

Britney Spears 2
Britney Spears

Johny Depp
Johny Depp

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez

Lady Diana
Lady Diana

Britney Spears
Britney Spears

Paul Newman
Paul Newman

Robert Pattinson Wax Figure Unveiling
Robert Pattinson

Strangest Buildings in the World

strangest-buildings-0001by Abeer

The world is a strange place with strange buildings, I wanna show you some photographs I have found somewhere.

strangest-buildings-0002 Wonder-works (USA)

The Basket Building (Ohio, USA)

 Museum Moderner Kunst (Vienna, Austria)

Rotating Tower (Dubai)

Montreal Biosphere (Canada)

The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland)

Stone House (Portugal)

Lotus Temple (Delhi, India)

Museum of Contemporary Art (Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil)

Kanas City Library (Missouri, USA)