How Icecream makes a Person Happy?

by Abeer

Eating ice cream really does really make a person happy. Scientists have found that a spoonful of the cold stuff means any kind of sweet yummy cold stuff, lights up the same pleasure center in the brain as winning money, listening to your favorite music or achieving something really good.

Neuro-scientists at the Institute of London scanned the brains of people eating mango ice cream. They found an immediate effect on parts of the brain known to activate when people enjoy themselves; these include the orbital-frontal cortex that is basically the “processing” area at the front of the brain.

Ice- Cream Production:

The ice cream produced with vegetable ingredients has a higher content of food additives in it. Producers have to use those additives to beat coconut butter to make it look like ice cream. However, flavoring and coloring agents can be found in practically all types of ice creams produced today. Stabilizing agents are most popular in the industry that helps in ice cream will melt very fast without them.

Try to avoid bright-colored ice creams. Too much color only means too many chemicals. The only exception is probably chocolate ice cream; its intense brown color is created owing to cocoa powder. Price is another important factor that deserves paying attention to. High-quality ice cream cannot be very cheap. Cheap ice creams are usually made of coconut butter and a whole list of chemicals.

In Scientists View:

The scientists used a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine to watch blood flowing to activate brain areas when people swallowed ice cream.

Many people believe that ice cream can be dangerous for small children, that it may cause a serious throat disease. However, if you always give your child warm food and warm drinks, the child may have a sore throat after just a drink of cold water. Icy dessert is good for strengthening the immune system.

Why a Song Stuck in Our Head

Why our mind stuck in a song
by Abeer

I was travelling to my university, listening to just dance by Lady Gaga it’s my favorite song now a days, when on comes “Just Dance, Gonna Be Okay”, By the time I pull into my university parking lot, I had, ” Just Dance, Gonna Be Okay ” running through my head. I hum it at my way to campus. I sing it on my way to the classroom. I tap it out on the table during wait for the lunch in cafe.

Why do songs get unconsciously stuck in our heads?

Same like this sometimes we listen to any song it stuck in our mind. Now the thing is why actually this happens? Experts say the culprits are earworms (An earworm is any part of music that sticks in one’s mind so that one seems to hear it, even when it is not being played). Now you may think it’s kind of parasite. No, they’re not parasites that crawl into your ear and lay some musical eggs in your brain, but they are parasitic in the sense that they get lie in your head and cause a sort of “cognitive itch” or you can say a sort of need for the brain to fill in the gaps in a song’s rhythm.

Brain Kept in Rest:

When we listen to a song, it directly triggers a part of the brain called the auditory cortex. Researchers found that when they played part of a familiar song to research subjects, the participant’s brains kept singing long after the song had ended. The only way they found to scratch brain itch is to repeat the song over and over in your mind. Unfortunately, like with mosquito bites, the more you scratch the more you itch, and so on until you’re stuck in an unending song cycle. There are songs too who are seriously itching like I got one and that is songworm.

Song worm:

A Songworm is an annoying song that you hear once and it replays itself over and over in your head until you are ready to commit suicide. Later in the day, you think you forgot about it and before you know it, it’s in your head again, and you may even find yourself singing it. The only cure to get rid of a Songworm is to catch another, more annoying Songworm in your head.

In Researcher’s View:

I have discuss one otherwise there are many other theories about why songs get stuck in our heads. Some researchers say stuck songs are like thoughts we’re trying to suppress to anyone. The harder we try not to think about them, the more we can’t help it out. Some experts claim that earworms are simply a way to keep the brain busy when it’s wandering in our thought’s valley.  Just as there are many theories. But again a questions why some songs stuck and rest are not?!

Latte Art

latte-artby Abeer

An art that is called Latte art is actually the designing on coffee cup with cream. Latte art is a method of preparing coffee created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso cone that results a pattern or design on the surface of the resulting latte. It can also be created or embellished by simply “drawing” in the top layer of white creamy foam. Latte art is particularly difficult to create consistently, due to the demanding conditions required of both the espresso shot and milk. This, in turn, is limited by the experience of the latte artist and quality of the espresso machine. The pour itself, then, actually becomes the last challenge for the latte artist.

How to create pattern:

  • Pour the milk about an inch away from the bottom of the coffee mug.
  • Once the cup is about half filled, gently shake the pitcher back and forth while slowly moving it backwards for some time. The flower design will move forward, filling the cup will show you.
  • Do this with a shaking motion at the wrist instead of moving your hand back and forth.
  • Starting off with the milk pitcher close to the top of the mug, then give a little bit of milk in the same place.
  • While this make sure to move the milk pitcher, not the mug.
  • Hold the stream of milk in the same place, but wiggle the milk pitcher back and forth as you make a ringed circle.
  • When your milk is almost completely poured, swing the milk up to create the bottom tip of your heart.
  • Embellish the cream foam with chocolate in other ways too as like you want. Pour chocolate syrup on top of foam and then start decorating with a pin. Make an outline the edges of your foam pattern with chocolate.

Graffiti Art

graffiti art 2
by Abeer

Graffiti art is an art form. The reasons, including these artistic criteria, as to why it is an art form far outweighs the criticism of illegality, incoherence, and maybe nonstandard presentation. My basic objective to write this is to explain how graffiti art overcomes the concerns and thereby can be considered as an art form. It took start by one of the famous artists from Western World decided to paint a masterpiece on the side of your house or on your front door or on a wall in your neighborhood.

Graffiti is often regarded by others as unsightly damage or unwanted vandalism. But sometimes, the boring wall is supplied with a true piece of graffiti art, making it a joy for the eyes. I have found a collection of pictures that will show you how graffiti art looks like. By looking at them and studying the details, you could boost your design inspiration. If you’re not in to design, just sit back and enjoy this amazing form of art.

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Street Art with Tape

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by Abeer

This is one of the coolest forms of street art ever found. Amsterdam-based artist Max Zorn uses packaging tape to create amazing artworks, instead of using it for packaging or fixing stuff, Max creates stunning tape pictures. The artist achieves different shades, hues and shadows by layering the translucent tape on the Plexiglas and cutting it with a scalpel.

Once finished, he hangs the artwork on the street lamps, when the lights go on, they shine through the pictures and create a beautiful graphic effect. And you can be part of it. Max Zorn is asking everyone around the world to help him hang his street art of street lamps. So if ever want to be part of a great global street art project.

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Cake Decoration

cake decoration
by Abeer

Cake decoration is an art that is performed almost everywhere all over the world. That is why there is competition of cake decoration art is very popular, especially in the Western World. Cake decorating is one of the sugar arts that sweet colors and things icing, frosting and many other delicious decorative elements to make plain cakes more visually interesting. Moreover, cakes can be molded and sculpted to resemble different shapes, persons, places and things.

There are a few options available for people who really want to acquire the skills of cake decoration art. The best way to start learning how to decorate cake is to start decorating cakes slowly following one by one step, learning a bit about the history and the basic cake decorating techniques before going towards more advanced cake decorating techniques. Decorating a great cake is easy just by following some simple steps:

1. First technique for Cake decorating books are a good source of acquiring quality knowledge in cake decorating. Lots of quality cake decorating books can be found in bookstores and on the Internet too, you can also join online cake decorator community forum where you can share your thoughts with people of similar mind and also you can get new ideas.

2. You can also employ the use of videos as an even simpler way of acquiring or increasing your knowledge of cake decoration art that can you can also call sugar-crafting.

3. If you aspire to become a professional cake decorator then the idea of possibly going for a formal education in cake decoration might be reasonable path to follow.

Dominant Powers of Mind

dominanat powers of brain
by Abeer

Each one of us want high happiness, peaceful mind, good mature character and success in life but sometimes we can’t strive all of them. Out of us who struggle for their goals a very few are able to make things happen. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is the difference between the level of Inner Power both the categories possess in their brains and the level of Power they exert to achieve what they want to achieve. In my opinion, the Inner Powers should consist of following six categories:

1) The Power of Focus:

There is a story once I listened, which tells that during the bird shooting session, the instructor asked each shooter what he is looking at. One candidate said, I am looking at the flock of birds, another said, I am looking at the tree where birds are about to sit however one shooter said that I am looking in the eyes of one of the flying birds. This is the power of focus I want to draw your attention towards. Focus means to insert all of your energies on one goal and do not let any obstacles change your attention. Remember, you see problems when you move your eyes away from your target. Don’t let your mind distracted from your goal.

2) The Power of Vision:

A fast pace horse running in the wrong direction will never reach its destination and it’s really true. Instead it will cause misleading effect to its followers too. Building up the Power of Vision starts with your thinking style how you think about things, awareness about your field, your comprehension capabilities and your energy to imagine the future.

A) Your thoughts are the seeds for your character because thoughts give birth to actions which become your habits and constitutes towards your personality and consequently your destiny.

B) Empowering your awareness level involves a lot of reading, meeting with high potency people, watching relevant documentaries and observing people around you.

Once you develop the Power of Vision, your comprehension levels will be as deep as a sea, your thoughts will fly as high as sky and your strategies will be as solid as rocks.

3) The Power of Now:

People make plans people forget plans and people fail. Why? Have you ever thought? They don’t execute. They keep thinking and they keep waiting for some right moment to kick off their plans. And this right moment actually never comes if they keep waiting for it. The right moment is now. The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up and act. This is understood that planning is important.

4) The Power of being Positive:

Successful people possess a positive mindset. To develop this power you must shield yourself from Negativity. Remember that being positive will give you the freedom to look forward instead of looking in past. If you keep wandering in past with negative thoughts you will not be able to proceed with your goals. Positive people are part of solutions not part of problems.

5) The Power of Flexibility:

Mostly people think the other way around in fact being flexible doesn’t mean being weak instead it portrays your powerful personality trait that you care about others and respect the difference of opinion. It is said that “Better to bend than to break” so the more flexible you are, the more you will be able to manage stress which will strengthen your thought process. Keep your ego aside and listen to the perspective of others too, and that’s important.

6) The Power of Impulsiveness:

Great people are not explosive at all. They are cool at mind and heart. They are not sensitive and reactive in nature. When a tragic situation triggers their anger, they analyze it from logical, sentimental and ethical angles and then respond in order to improve the situation and not vice verse  So you must believe in the fact reactive nature will reduce your friends and increase your foes.

Abstract Art

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by Abeer

Have you ever wondered what abstract art is about? Abstract art can be a painting or sculpture that assembles something that does not depict a person, place or thing in the natural world or maybe in an extremely distorted way. Therefore, the subject of the work is actually based on what you see that can be color, shapes, brushstrokes, size, scale and, in some cases, the process.
Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.
Abstract art is often intended to appeal and connect with human emotions actually. It can be understood as а way of communicating moral feelings, creating a kind of connection between the artist and the people who appreciate their work.

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Chocolate Effects Mood

Chocolate effects mood
by Abeer

Chocolate might seem like a drug for the people who can’t get it enough. In addition to its addictive taste, chocolate’s role in boosting your mood can be irresistible many times. While you might attribute this to your sweet tooth, chocolate owes much of its mood enhancing properties to a number of drugs like chemicals. Containing safe, healthy compounds similar to the potentially dangerous ones in caffeine and amphetamines, chocolate can help to boost your mood without damaging your health.

Day with Chocolate:

I myself am a big fan of chocolate. Chocolate has a long history associated with feelings of well-being of mine specially. Chocolate, combined with a cup of coffee, helps me work all the way through to the end of the day, when I would otherwise be tempted to call it quits in the late afternoon. So naturally I was excited when I found a research report on the effect of chocolate on mood, this made me started writing some about the relation of mood and chocolate.
I think it is quite fascinating that a food such as chocolate can have such an effect on the operations of our brain and thus our perceptions of the world. I have significantly increased my chocolate intake. I also think I’m a happier person than I was before we met. I would like to think not, but it is an interesting thought that chocolate transforms my mood. I do, however, I start feeling a little depressed or overwhelmed and it always seems to make me feel better.

How it works?

The mood elevating properties depends on how good the chocolate you are taking is.  Believe it or not, all chocolate is not created equally. In a study, subjects received different types of chocolate after the experimenters induced a bad mood. The positive effects were due to the immediate sensory pleasure that is the taste on the tongue and emotional associations with chocolate.  It’s unlikely that the chocolate impacted chemicals in your brain. This would generally take up to an hour.  Emotional eaters seemed to get the most impact from the chocolate. While chocolate may give your mood a small boost, its short term effects emphasize why it is important to find other ways to calm and soothe yourself without sweets.
The chemical compounds in chocolate are believed to release feel good. A chunk of chocolate releases endorphin and neurotransmitters that is responsible for creating a feeling of calm, well-being, happiness and even elation. Happily study that it’s good to take chocolate for the change of mood.

Why we Feel Hungry?

why we feel hungry
by Abeer

Since my childhood, my mother always said that being overweight is a blessing because only the rich can afford to be fat. Having lived most of her life near nature, my mother never thought there could be other reasons why people are overweight. I must say obesity and hunger relates to each other in the case if you are taking food 20% more than normal.

Feelings of hunger:

Hunger is a reasonable thing experienced by many people all over the world. When we feel hungry, then we solve it by taking any food, even a baby, if they are hungry, they will cry. But have you ever wondered, why do we actually get hungry? What really happened in our stomach inside? I am going to discuss some things that actually cause us to feel hungry.

Empty stomach:

If when we eat, we only consume foods that contain rapidly absorbed carbohydrates, then the stomach will be empty fast, so we also quickly feel hungry after that. Carbohydrates are more rapidly absorbed than fat and protein. 100 calories carbohydrates are more rapidly digested than 100 calories of protein or fat if consumed at the same time in your body. Therefore, consuming simple carbohydrates will make you hungry faster than complex ones. So, choose the foods that are low in carbohydrates and high in protein in your breakfast specially and diet too, but do not forget the fat, as long as you consume good fat.
Have you ever felt your stomach makes noises? Making sounds in the stomach when you’re hungry. Therefore, immediately eat when you feel hungry, of course eating with a good nutrition. And it would be better if you stop eating before you feel too full.

Smell of food:

When you smell the aroma of delicious food, you usually feel hungry. However, things like this are the creators of emotional hunger, and not the cause of physiologically hungry you actually feel that that time. This is basically you call emotional hunger. In emotional eating, the one who suffered it will keep eating even though he was in a state of satiety. Maybe you should immediately shut down your nose if you do not want to be tempted anymore, but it depends.

Some learning form Feeling Hungry:

  • Headache, shakiness and light headed. You feel like you could and would eat anything at any time.
  • Very hungry having low energy. You may even feel nauseous at this time. You are at the edge of being going down.
  • Strong urges to take food. Your stomach is empty that your mental focus is on coordination to wane.
  • You have started to think about food. You belly is giving you the signal that you might want to eat or that you are a little hungry.
  • Body has enough fuel to keep it going and is physically and psychologically just starting to feel satisfied.
  • You are full and satisfied.
  • Uncomfortably full, even difficult to take a deep breath.
  • Extreme fullness, heavy, tired, and bloated and you think to go to the bed.
  • Miserably, don’t want to or can’t move, and feel like you never want to look at food again.