Dominant Powers of Mind

dominanat powers of brain
by Abeer

Each one of us want high happiness, peaceful mind, good mature character and success in life but sometimes we can’t strive all of them. Out of us who struggle for their goals a very few are able to make things happen. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is the difference between the level of Inner Power both the categories possess in their brains and the level of Power they exert to achieve what they want to achieve. In my opinion, the Inner Powers should consist of following six categories:

1) The Power of Focus:

There is a story once I listened, which tells that during the bird shooting session, the instructor asked each shooter what he is looking at. One candidate said, I am looking at the flock of birds, another said, I am looking at the tree where birds are about to sit however one shooter said that I am looking in the eyes of one of the flying birds. This is the power of focus I want to draw your attention towards. Focus means to insert all of your energies on one goal and do not let any obstacles change your attention. Remember, you see problems when you move your eyes away from your target. Don’t let your mind distracted from your goal.

2) The Power of Vision:

A fast pace horse running in the wrong direction will never reach its destination and it’s really true. Instead it will cause misleading effect to its followers too. Building up the Power of Vision starts with your thinking style how you think about things, awareness about your field, your comprehension capabilities and your energy to imagine the future.

A) Your thoughts are the seeds for your character because thoughts give birth to actions which become your habits and constitutes towards your personality and consequently your destiny.

B) Empowering your awareness level involves a lot of reading, meeting with high potency people, watching relevant documentaries and observing people around you.

Once you develop the Power of Vision, your comprehension levels will be as deep as a sea, your thoughts will fly as high as sky and your strategies will be as solid as rocks.

3) The Power of Now:

People make plans people forget plans and people fail. Why? Have you ever thought? They don’t execute. They keep thinking and they keep waiting for some right moment to kick off their plans. And this right moment actually never comes if they keep waiting for it. The right moment is now. The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up and act. This is understood that planning is important.

4) The Power of being Positive:

Successful people possess a positive mindset. To develop this power you must shield yourself from Negativity. Remember that being positive will give you the freedom to look forward instead of looking in past. If you keep wandering in past with negative thoughts you will not be able to proceed with your goals. Positive people are part of solutions not part of problems.

5) The Power of Flexibility:

Mostly people think the other way around in fact being flexible doesn’t mean being weak instead it portrays your powerful personality trait that you care about others and respect the difference of opinion. It is said that “Better to bend than to break” so the more flexible you are, the more you will be able to manage stress which will strengthen your thought process. Keep your ego aside and listen to the perspective of others too, and that’s important.

6) The Power of Impulsiveness:

Great people are not explosive at all. They are cool at mind and heart. They are not sensitive and reactive in nature. When a tragic situation triggers their anger, they analyze it from logical, sentimental and ethical angles and then respond in order to improve the situation and not vice verse  So you must believe in the fact reactive nature will reduce your friends and increase your foes.

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